Are EV Trucks the Next Step?

Oct 23rd 2023

Are EV Trucks the Next Big Thing in Automotive?

Welcome back to, the space where we dive deep into all things automotive. Today, we’re tackling a hot topic: EV trucks. With over 1.8 million folks putting down a deposit for the Cyber Truck alone, it’s clear there’s interest. But does this mean your trusty gas truck is on its way out? Not quite.

The Current State of EV Trucks

Right now, the EV truck world is buzzing with big names like the Ford Lightning, GMC Hummer EV, and Rivian R1T. But with price tags well over $100,000, these electric beasts are far from taking over the market. They remain a choice for the select few. Your 2 million mile Diesel Dually? Yeah, it’s not going anywhere anytime soon.

Performance that Makes You Think

Now, credit where credit’s due—these electric trucks are packing some serious power. We’re talking 0-60 in 3 seconds, which is pretty wild for something that tips the scales at nearly 10,000 pounds. It’s like having a bullet train in your garage. But with great power comes great responsibility, so anyone behind the wheel better be ready.

Weighing in on EV Trucks

So, what’s the verdict? Are EV trucks the future or a flashy moment in time? They’ve got the power and the wow factor, but with high prices and a market still catching up, they’re not quite ready to take the crown from gas trucks just yet.