Should You Buy A Dodge Hellcat Charger or Dodge Challenger Hellcat

Dec 7th 2023

Do you want a car that everyone fears, but it's not a Nissan Altima? You also can't park this on the street 'cause it'll probably get stolen. Coming in at an astounding 707 horsepower, the Hellcat is no slouch and is the benchmark standard for many people to compare their cars in terms of raw power.

The average fishing boat weighs anywhere from 1,700 to 2,900 lb. A Hellcat, however, weighs about 4,500 plus, and that's without any - Nicho, you can't laugh, and that's without anyone in it. So, while it has lots of power, you're literally driving a boat.

If the car itself isn't stolen, then it might be on bricks because hellcats are a hot target. Chargers and Challengers last year happened to be the most stolen car. Hellcats are no strangers to takeovers, but you're more likely to see the lower trim models in the pits.

Now, with all that power, you don't want to be boring on those stock wheels, so here's a few we'd recommend. If you'd like an absolute beast of a land yacht, the Dodge Hellcat might just be for you.